Pal Zumrang Kagyud Monastery in Lingdum popularly known as Ranka Monastery is a comparatively newly built monastery in Sikkim.

Located in a peaceful countryside on the opposite hill facing the Gangtok town this monastery is under the Kagyud sect of Buddhism, which propagates the teaching of Tibetan Buddhism. 

At a distance of approx 20kms from the Gangtok city the huge building among green forested hills is a subject of tourist interest. 

The entry of the monastery is decorated with colorful prayer flags and prayer wheels and leads to a huge courtyards.

In the main hall you can see the monks in their typical maroon and yellow robes sitting in a line and praying. The walls of the hall are full of Tibetan paintings and wall hangings which reflect the immense skill of fine arts of the monks and sikkimese artisans.